Well small set back on my programing, tweaked and inflamed my SI joint Tuesday night, which is essentially your body’s shock absorber that holds everything together at the bottom of your pelvis.  Not great news when you are preparing for a meet, and everything you have written involves pulling fast, and holding heavy loads overhead! Thankfully it was only a small tweak, having gone through a SI injury earlier this year I was way smarter this time around, and I was able to get to the Chiro Wednesday/Friday, got plenty of ice,  anti inflammatories, and a few days off from oly lifting, and I was good to go again for Saturday November 6.  http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/cybertherapist/back/buttocks/sacroiliac.htm

My training since Nov 1st:

  • Wednesday Nov 3, 2011: Chiro, ice, and mobility work.
  • Thursday Nov 4, 2011: “Lynne”, 5 sets, AMRAP Body-weight bench press, AMRAP Pull-ups.  Haven’t done any bench or high rep anything for that matter for some time, so did this one with the sole goal to get 100 pull ups in, and laugh at how quick my bench flames out.  There is no rx’d time limit for this but I used 1 min rest after bench, and 2min rest after pull ups(used butterfly kip). Numbers were as follows; 190# Bench-press 10,8,6,5,4,4; Pull-ups 20, 29, 21, 20 , 15.
  • Friday Nov 5, 2011: 1.5hr swim accompanied by son and his friend, did some tech work, bunch of wrestling, no real conditioning but as always 1+ in the pool seems to leave you completely sapped!
  • Saturday Nov 6, 2011:  Met up with essentially every Oly weightlifter in Edmonton at Power Plus, and the environment was awesome.  Great coaching, strong lifters, made me forget about my tired back, and was able to nail a 5kg PR for a 105kg Snatch.  Failed a 107 attempt, then moved on to Clean and Jerk, but focus wasn’t there. Worked up to 120, 127 failed jerk, 130 fail, so dropped down to 110kg 2×3 for some volume, and hit my missed front squats from earlier in the week used 130kg 3×3.
  • Sunday Nov 6, 2011: Rest Day, all and all feeling like I’m recovered to hit the next two weeks before the Provincial meet.  Not thrilled that I had to take the extra days off these past few weeks, but sometimes you just have to listen to your body and “train optimally”.