Sunday September 16, Fitness Town Edmonton hosted their inaugural Mad-Hatter competition. Teams of 5 were selected at random by varying skill level, and took part in 3 events.

Event 1
In 15 minutes
500 squats
250 Burpees
1 team member holds static squat at 90, while 1 member squats for reps. After 500 reps done, on to the Burpees.
1 team member holds plank while other team member performs Burpees. Our team got to 197 Burpees, which was good for 4th spot

Event 2
8 minute AMRAP
Tire flips,
for every flip, each member evolved in the flip needs to do 3 tire jumps. Think we did 47 flips which was good for 2 spot.


Event 3
For time:
2 members push van truck approx 200ft
Unload truck back to the start.
3 members pull truck back to the start.


Not quite sure where we finished on this one, kind of stumbled on the pull back so we lost some time on that.


All in all it was a fun time, and a great way to wrap up the end of summer!