Thursday March 8, 2012

CrossFit Open 12.3
18minute AMRAP:
15 BoxJumps with control at top. 24″
12 Push Press @ 115#
9 Toes To Bar
Completed 7rds+15+3=270reps

Decided to get this one out of the way a bit earlier this week, and thought I’d give the video submission route a try, to mix it up.  After watching the vid……yes the whole boring 18minutes, I realized I am not only way out of shape!(for CF Games standards)  But I’m really inefficient in some of the movements.  Granted that the standards were to show full control with full extension at the top of the box, I saw that I was jumping too far back on the way down which required me to jump farther up and forward, big waste of energy.  I needed to get on the bar quicker as the push press were never in doubt of failure, just me breathing too hard thinking I needed to catch my wind, and  toes to bar……..well they always suck so maybe I should have just broke them from the start.  My pace slowed to a crawl after round 2, and crunching the numbers my overall pace was 15 reps per minute, which I think I could improve on with some adjustments, I’m just not sure I care enough to redo it!  Below is my submission video, and head over to this link and click on the thumbs up if you think it was legit.