
The second annual Calgary Festival of Strength was held on Saturday October 13. Multiple competitions were held in Strongman, Powerlifting, Kettle-bell, and Weightlifting simultaneously on one indoor soccer field! It was quit the venue!
Rob Lockwood, Kevin Zimmerman(coach), and myself took part in the weightlifting side of the event, being as crowded as it was, and the warmup room was quite far from the competition platform, both Rob and I nearly missed our opening lifts due to not hearing our names being called. Rob was smart enough to stop the clock and bump his weight up, I ran to the platform removing my jacket with all of 20 seconds for my opening lift……or at least my opening attempt! When it was all said and done Rob took 1st in the 85kg division and the highest total of the comp by hitting 120kg snatch, and 150kg clean and jerk. I finished first in the 94kg division by hitting 100kg snatch, and 140kg(pr) clean and jerk. Below is a video of the lifts, and an audition tape for the next TSN broadcaster.
